Me and Mine

Life, Family and Ancestors


About Me

On the personal level, I'm a retired guy with four children and three grandchildren. My wife and I are in our 80s now. We live in Port Townsend, a small town with a lot of history across Puget Sound from Seattle. Our children and grandchildren all live within a few hours drive and we enjoy their visits.

Aside from family, my interests include travel, walking, reading, photography and genealogy. I love languages, speak French and Italian fairly well and dabble in a few others. When I was younger, I did a lot of sailing and skiing as well. I've been less physically active in recent years but I'm trying to do something about that.

Professionally, I've been developing software in one role or another since 1974. I started as an employee, working for the City of Seattle, and later became an independent consultant, trainer and coach. I've worked around the US and in Europe.

Beginning around 2001, I got involved in the Agile development movement, primarily Extreme Programming. I was active in the international XP conferences and had the privilege of learning from some of the true experts and innovators in the field.

I have been very active in Open Source, particularly with the NUnit Project, the longest-lived project of it's type in the .NET world. I left that project a few years back but continue to work on other projects.

For more detail, see my informal bio.

About This Site

For this site, I'm using HTMLy, a simple content management system, which doesn't rely on a database but uses flat files in markdown format for all the content.

The Tech portion of the site is statically generated using Statiq.Web. My plan is to convert that part of the site to HTMLy as well.