Here is how Phyllis describes her own book...
"Journeys is a memoir of the travels, passages and transformations of a woman who became smitten as a 10-year old with the book KonTiki and who dreamt about sailing the seas and seeing the world. At 20 she is a young bride teaching English in West Africa and realizing a dream of going to Israel.
"A decade later, travel has become so much a part of her life that she evaluates her fractured marriage by flying to Scotland and later by driving across the U.S. At 40, she learns to sail a boat and begins preparations for an anticipated sea voyage. In her 50s, she and her second husband discover the means totravel overseas on a regular basis. In her 60s, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease changes how she travels but does not curtail it.
"Born into a world at war in the 1940s and living with the threat of nuclear destruction during the Cold War, she seeks peace and harmony with her "enemies" -- developing relationships with Russians and reconciling the wounds of the Holocaust in Germany. Seeking community in all aspects of her life, she creates a full life as an attorney and mediator, as a mother and grandmother and as a lifelong traveler, finding meaning in her life to survive life's challenges."
This was our first experience with publishing. We used a printer in Michigan and ordered 100 copies, which we mailed to family members.